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Yá'át'ééh (Hello)


My name is Shine Krystal Salt and I'm from Kayenta, Ariz. located within the Navajo Nation. I will be graduating from Northern Arizona University in May of 2016. I hope to continue my education by pursuing a Masters Degree in Investigative Journalism, and then begin a career as a researcher on Indigenous issues for a publishing industry.


I hope the qualities presented in my Indigenous She Wrote E-Portfolio exposes my interests as you browse the rest of this website. 


Autobiography will explore more of myself and a glimpse of what I'm aiming towards for my career to help the Indigenous community.


Writing Portfolio & Photography Portfolio will show viewers articles and photos published by various news outlets, and events I have done during my personal time.


Resume will view my curriculum vitae (CV).




Thank you for visiting my, Indigenous She Wrote E-portfolio.

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